Running a small business can be overwhelming. Boy, do I know the feeling! Are you the owner, the manager, accountant, human resources director, compliance department, janitor, salesman, and IT guy/gal all in a single day? Yep, I’ve been there and so have my clients.
When you’re first starting out, it seems like a no-brainer that this will be your life for a couple of years, right? No prob. You’ll suck it up. Do what has to be done. Bite the bullet. Put in your time. Cool.
And 5 years later…here you are.
Your business has grown but you need some help! Here are some ideas to get you to that next level.
1. First, you have to realize that NO ONE will do the job like YOU do it. That is a fact. But to move forward you have to trust in others. You cannot build your company without the help of a good team. If you hire a manager, TRUST that they have the company’s best interest, give them the guidelines…a company vision helps, and then let them do things THEIR way. You will come to notice that giving them the room to think on their own and problem solve will not only relieve you of your micro-managing duties, but it will give them ownership of their work and motivate them to impress the boss with their quick thinking and problem solving skills.
2. Hire someone, an individual or company, that can take on multiple roles. Find a company that can run your payroll AND do your accounting/bookkeeping. Or perhaps, hire a receptionist who can do some social media posting in the down time. This way you kill multiple birds with one stone and also minimize your having to manage multiple people.
3. Get out of the office. Especially if you work from home. There are many co-working facilities and awesome coffee shops where you can surround yourself with other smart, hardworking folks. Sometimes a change in scenery is just what you need to refuel.